Selecting our Breeds for Laying Hens

How and why do we select the different breeds of hens we have for egg laying? We have raised hens for several years and before we ever sold or gave away any eggs, we began to study what hens would lay the best eggs for what we wanted in an egg. We haven’t always been right but we have some great layers now.



They are an unusual chicken and they a large to extra large white eggs. A breed we found slow to start laying and they average about 225 or so eggs per hen annually. A skittish breed but they lay beautiful eggs that taste great.

New Hampshire Reds

New Hampshire Reds

The Reds are the bulk of our hens with over 50% of our layers being reds. This is a duals purpose breed that matures fast and begins to lay about 15-16 weeks.

Buff Orpingtons

Buffs are another dual purpose chicken that are friendly and docile. They lay large and extra large brown eggs and lay 250-280 eggs a year.

Other Breeds

We are raising several other breeds for 2022, more to come on that later

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